Get Involved!
(Play, Coach, Ref)
PNWLL is open to all post-collegiate womens players. Our season runs from late March through early June and offers opportunities for players of all skill levels.
A list of PNWLL teams can be found here. Feel free to contact teams directly through these links or e-mail for more information on how to get involved.
In addition to the spring season, PNWLL also trys to facilitiate (or at least advertise) Summer League and Fall Ball opportunities in each area. These are run by various teams in each area but are usually open to all post high school players. Summer League and Fall Ball games tend to be a "stick's in" style scrimmage. These options are an ideal way to get to know the teams in the league and find out which teams are in need of players/is the best fit for you. Check in to for information on Summer League and Fall Ball.
Available high school and youth team coaching positions in the Pacific Northwest can be found on the following websites:
Our post-collegiate league, and the Washington/Oregon high school leagues are always looking for more officials. This is a great way to stay connected to the sport...and earn some money while you're at it!
In Washington, contact WWLOA (Washington Women's Lacrosse Officials Assocaition)
In Oregon, contact OWLUA (Oregon Women's Lacrosse Umpire Association)